Green Tour

Green Tourism Education: Innovative way to Develop Rural Areas
The main GREEN TOUR project task is to underline the importance of cooperation between tourism and ecology, as tourism is a key important sector of the economy. The project with the development of a training material is a good motivational factor for training and education of people employed in the tourism sector, towards strengthening the number and quality of local jobs created/supported by tourism – increased demand for tourist services is not always followed by increased number of qualified people. Although qualified professionals in tourism exist, there is a lack of tourism staff with competencies and skills to meet customer demand and labour market needs. The project will increase the knowledge-specific education and the promotion of local cooperation as the best ways to increase the ecotourism sector in the countries of European Union.
The GREEN TOUR consortium consists in 5 partners among which are a foundation, two universities, a consulting enterprise and a VET provider, all of them having expertise related with the tourism sector and relevant experience in developing transnational projects.
September - 2016 / December - 2018
Target Groups
- Entrepreneurs and/or future entrepreneurs (young people and others) who want to develop business in green tourism sector;
- Local development promoters/agents who define policies and strategies related to the green tourism sector;
- Technicians and professionals of tourism sector who want to develop or increase their know-how and skills in green tourism sector.
Products and Outcomes
GREEN TOUR Project aim to develop the following:
- GREEN TOUR Knowledge Transfer and Country Analysis (O1) ;
- GREEN TOUR Training Material (O2);
- GREEN TOUR B-learning Tool (O3);
- GREEN TOUR Thematic Tour (O4);
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
EcoCenter Alapítvány (Hungary)
- Partners:
AidLearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda (Portugal)
European Center for Quality (Bulgaria)
Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Italy)
Szent István University (Hungary)