Innovative Vocational Training Approaches in Social Economy Small and Micro Enterprises
The project TSESME aims at improving the vocational training system in social economy enterprises by providing innovative and adoptable tools for the assessment of training needs and guidelines for the implementation of vocational training programmes. The strategic aim of the project in the medium term is the improvement of the innovation potential of social economy organisations which is a key factor of success and important to survive in the globalized economy as well as to accomplish the European social model.
October - 2008 / September - 2010
Target Groups
Primary target groups: managers/owners of small and micro social organisations, that use the assessment tools and the guidelines for the assessment of their training needs and the needs of their employees and for designing needs oriented vocational training programmes in their organisations.
Secondary target groups: trainers, training managers, consultants and training providers, which use the tools for supporting the needs analyses in small and micro companies and create user and needs oriented training programmes
Products and Outcomes
- The compendium is one of the final products of TSESME. It provides an overview of the project, its main findings and presents the most relevant aspects of the
- TSESME toolkit that is attached as cdrom. Besides the compendium, the project produced two more relevant outputs (1) a needs analysis report that compiles the findings of the
- TSESME research undertaken within the partnership; and (2) a
- toolkit, providing online tools for the assessment of training needs in social organisations.
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
AidLearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda (Portugal)
- Partners:
Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz (Austria)
Association „Positive Mind” (Latvia)
Gazi Üniversitesi (Turkey)