Informal Learning for Adults
The main objectives of IOLI project was to exchange the experience within the partnership on adult informal and non-formal learning through the best practices model transfer, the training needs analysis for each country and the analysis of the data regarding opportunities for informal and non-formal learning in Europe; allowing a better perspective on informal and non-formal learning and to establish a bridge between formal and informal learning opportunities for adults in an European level, rather than a national or local level.
November - 2009 / September - 2011
Target Groups
The purpose of the IOLI partnership is to bring together a range of organizations that aim to provide adults with ways to improve their knowledge and skills through informal learning opportunities. The IOLI consortium is a multi-actor consortium, possessing the skills and competences required to ensure that the work programme can be undertaken efficiently, effectively and professionally. There are 8 institutions of different type (NGOs, Universities, SMEs and research centres) from 7 different EU countries in this consortium, some of which have recently joined the EU like Cyprus and others being in the pre-accession stage like Turkey.
Products and Outcomes
- Informal Learning for Adults Handbook
- IOLI Website
- Informal Learning for Adults - IOLI Portuguese Handbook
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
Panepistimio Lefkosias – University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Partners:
AidLearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda (Portugal)
Kairós Sociedad Cooperativa de Iniciativa Social (Spain)
Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente (Italy)
Irish & Worldwide Adventures Ltd (Ireland)
Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo (Italy)
Marmara Üniversitesi (Turkey)