Adult Learners Forum
The Adult Learners Forum project started with the idea of cooperation and exchange of experiences between learners from different countries. The lack of joint discussions between learners has been constantly brought out as a weakness in adult training by learners from all countries. Therefore it is necessary to develop a partnership at national and European level involving adult learners where meetings, workshops and seminars will take place, to discuss learners’ problems, hold dialogues with training providers and social partners, and make proposals for solving their problems.
ALF Project it is a Grundtvig 2 – Learning Partnerships project, financed by the Socrates Programme. The project started in August 2005 with 5 adult education institutions from Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Greece, and Spain. The ALF project ended in July 2008.
August - 2005 / July - 2008
Target Groups
ALF Project will allow adults’ learners to strength their role as active citizens in society and to increase intercultural competences through the exchange of experiences for the duration of the transnational forums. During the development of the ALF Project the learners will be involved in elaborating the ALF model, developing their networks, and disseminating the project outputs.
Products and Outcomes
- Adult Learners Forum in partners countries
- Adult Learners Forum Model
- ALF Website
- ALF Good Practices Handbook
- Transnational Adult Learners Forum
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
The Association of Estonian Adult Educators ANDRAS (Estonia)
- Partners: