Upskilling Paths for Social Integration of Migrants

The UPSIM project proposes to develop resources that provide Migrant/Refugee Women residing in the EU (Target Group 1 | TG1) with a set of tools that enable them to acquire transversal skills of learning to learn and the necessary language skills to return to their learning paths and ingress higher education and later, with better qualifications, be able to access more differentiated jobs. All resources will be made available through an open and free online learning platform (project website/HUB).
In addition to Migrant/Refugee Women residing in the EU | TG1 in vulnerable situations, the project intends to develop a methodology that allows technicians and volunteers (Target Group 2 | TG2) to work with TG1 in terms of social work, integration, language training, counselling/mentoring, etc., to support TG1 to achieve its educational goals through the creation of mentoring and support networks.


September - 2020 / May - 2023

Target Groups

Target group 1 of the UPSIM project are Migrant/Refugee Women living in the EU in vulnerable situations and target group 2 are technicians and volunteers who work with TG1 in terms of social work, integration, language training, counselling/ mentoring, etc.

Products and Outcomes

– IO1 | Conceptual Framework
– IO2 | Successful Integration Workshop Manual
– IO3 | Rapid Language Acquisition Mentoring Tool
– IO4 | Multimodal Learning Scenarios – Learning Platform

Project Partners

se Internationella Kvinnoföreningen (Sweden)

Social Networks