
Towards a More Innovative Workplace

The project “Towards a More Innovative Workplace” is an initiative funded by ERASMUS+ Programme. InnoWork aims to create a more innovation-friendly environment for EU micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their business adaptability by providing the necessary training support for performing organizational innovation.




September - 2014 / August - 2016

Target Groups

  • SMEs (micro, small and medium sized enterprises) and
  • Continuing VET providers.

Products and Outcomes

  • InnoWork Curriculum: it provides the framework of the training contents focusing on the expected learning outcomes of each of the ten selected topics, main concepts to be covered as well as the expected duration of each training module.
  • Training content: the training materials seek to address and boost innovation and creativity skills in both managers and employees in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The ten modules not only offer short theoretical part aiming to introduce learners with key concepts relevant to the topic but also provide self-reflection questions, challenging case studies and interactive gamified exercises.
  • Guidelines for VET providers: a short methodological document leading VET providers through the developed training content of InnoWork.

Project Partners

bg European Center for Quality (Bulgaria)