Empowering Educators for AI-Integrated Learning

EduAI empowers social sciences HE educators to well integrate AI technologies into their teaching methods. With a central focus on digital readiness, innovative learning-teaching methods and knowledge sharing, EduAI fosters collaboration across educational sectors. It equips educators with vital digital skills and innovative approaches, seamlessly incorporate AI into pedagogical practices, benefiting learners in HE, SE, AE and VET, where digital proficiency is increasingly indispensable.


March - 2024 / November - 2026

Target Groups

  • University Professors and Lecturers
  • Teacher Trainers and Professional Development Facilitators
  • Educational Technology Specialists
  • Administrators Involved in Curriculum Development

Products and Outcomes

  1. Comprehensive AI-Integrated Learning Framework
  2. Multimedia Innovator Showcase
  3. AI-Integrated Learning Course (Modules & Platform)
  4. AI-Integrated Learning Course (Co-creator Lab GUIDE)
  5. AI Integration Insights Unveiled – Podcast Series

Project Partners

tr İstanbul Üniversitesi (Turkey)

Social Networks