Life in the AI Era
Hedy: Life in the AI Era stands for being a source of information regarding Industry 4.0 digital technologies, namely Artificial Intelligence (AI), by enlightening its possible positive future applications, whilst clarifying its possible impacts.
November - 2021 / November - 2023
Target Groups
The project is aimed towards learners and professors in higher education, adult education, and VET. It is also aimed at civil society organisations.
Products and Outcomes
HEDY will have the following results:
- Hedy Booklet - Position Paper: A booklet dealing with the literature on the topic as well as research conducted by the partners on the topic.
- Hedy Toolkit: Toolkit with a curated selection of films and TedTalks on the topic, as well as videos produced by partners - HEDY Talks.
- Hedy MOOC
- Hedy Guidelines: Concise, easy-to-read guidelines summaries for professor/educators and interest stakeholders which also guides them on how to better take advantage of the other results.
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
Óbudai Egyetem (Hungary)
- Partners: