
The project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the LLP Programme – Grundtvig learning Partnership.
The project aims to investigate - over Europe - new increasing lifestyles of sharing connected to an emerging movement where the focus shifts from "me" to "us" (examples: bike-sharing, urban gardens, office sharing, sustainable mobility).
In effect, in recent years, the world economic crisis is changing the world and one of the effect is the increasing awareness around sustainability , environmental problems and about the consumerism system. In the economy of consumerism you are identified by what you own: your car, your house, your mobile.
People in last period has discovered that is better to look for lifestyles more sustainable – not only environmentally but also economically and personally sustainable. One of the best sustainable choice is SHARING. In the economy of sharing, that thanks to the web is in creation, you are identified by what you are able to share: who you are linked to (ex. Facebook friends), who you network with and which ideas, pictures (Flickr), videos (Youtube), links, comments (Twitter) you share.
August - 2011 / July - 2013
Target Groups
- Older generations: are more used to feel comfortable in a sharing community cause of different habits popular when they were younger
- New generations: the digital natives are permeated by the new media and they know how to use them for sharing ( i.e. internet, social networks)
- Institutions: it is possible and indispensable to teach our governors, starting from a local community, the benefits of a more sustainable way of life.
Products and Outcomes
- Collecting good practices, useful for public and private institutions, thanks to the volunteers activity that brings out the differences in a transnational overview
- Generating some elder-friendly guidelines to approach internet resources
- Creating an internet platform about the world of sharing.
Project Partners
- Coordinator:
Youth Europe Service (Italy)
- Partners:
AidLearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda (Portugal)
Centre Socialiste D'education Permanente (Belgium)
Youth Council Of Agios Athanasios Municipality (Cyprus)
Mistni Akcni Skupina Sipka (Czech Republic)
Fla-Kultur (France)
European Village (Greece)
Független Pedagógiai Intézet (Hungary)
Latvijas Audžugimenu Biedriba (Latvia)
Vakaru Lietuvos Vartotoju Federacija (Lithuania)
Euro-Idea Fundacja Spoleczno-Kulturalna (Poland)
Asociatia Arin (Romania)
Associacio Juvenil Forma2 (Spain)
Voxnadalens Gymnasium, Sfi/Grundvux (Sweden)